The Book of Cookey

The Chili Bible

The Book of Cookey

Chili hasith a long history from the Canary Islands to the old west travelers in search of the promised land. Traveling by way of the covered wagons with wheels of wood it wasith a long and dreadful journey with many of the adventurers not surviving.

In the eateries in the many towns these travelers passed through there were the tired and worn chefs that prepared meals for the weary folks. Cookey was a popular name for these providers of not so gourmet plates of no telling was being served that day.

A hot bowl of red meaty stew was one of the many dishes that Cookey would comith up with. Using the beef of the day wither it was fresh or spoiled by untimely virtue and what ever chilis and other vegetables could be at hand he would mix together a concoction of the best spices and flavors that the weary travelers had ever consumed by mouth in their lives.

The art of chili making wasith created and fed to the many that could and would be strong enough to take on the challenge of ingesting such a creation. Some Cookeys made their version way to spicy for the average consumer but there was the rugged outgoing man that wanted more spice and fire in their bowl of red meaty fill.

Thus bringing us to present day when some folks want their meaty bowl of red to scorch their insides and then there are the folks with more sensitive pallets. Today you can make a pot of delicious award winning championship chili at home using Wild West Chili Mix. Try it out and let us know what you think about the taste.